Budget 2022-2023

1. Revenue Head

Serial No. Head Budget Estimates 2022-2023
(in thousands of Rupees)
General Administration
1 01 Salaries 194000
2 02 Wages 15000
3 05 Rewards 100
4 06 Medical Treatment 3000
5 11 Domestic Travel Expenses 6000
6 12 Foreign Travel Expenses 10000
7 13 Office Expenses 23100
8 16 Publications 1000
9 20 Other Administrative Expenses 12400
10 22 Arms and Ammunation 10000
12 25 Clothing and Tentage 2000
13 26 Advertising and Publicity 300
14 27 Minor Works 35000
15 28 Profesional Services 15700
16 50 Other Charges Information Technology 20500
17 13 Other Expenses 13000
Total 362000

2. Capital Head

Serial No. Head Budget Estimates 2022-2023
(in thousands of Rupees)
1 51 Motor Vehicles 4000
2 52 Machinery & Equipments 8000
Office Building
3 53 Major Works 247800